Replica Gucci Ophidia leather tote
99 sold
The Gucci Ophidia leather tote is a medium-sized black leather bag that is exclusive to North America. It features gold-toned hardware and a green and red Web detail. which is a tribute to the brand’s equestrian roots. The bag also has a Double G. which is a reference to Guccio Gucci’s monogram. The tote has a softly structured silhouette and double leather handles with a 10″ drop and 21″ length. It has a magnetic snap closure and an interior zipper pocket. The bag weighs approximately .71kg and has a microfiber lining. The dimensions of the tote are 15″W x 11″H x 5.5″D. The bag is enriched with vintage details and is a perfect addition to any fashion-forward wardrobe.
Tote Product Details
- North America Exclusive
- Black leather
- Gold-toned hardware
- Green and red Web detail
- Double G
- Interior zipper pocket
- Double leather handles with 10?? drop and 21?? length
- Magnetic snap closure
- Weight: .71kg approximately
- Medium size: 15??W x 11??H x 5.5??D
- Microfiber lining
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